NZ Income tax and GST due dates

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One of the challenges that Small business owners will have is tax payment cashflow planning, you don’t want an unexpected tax bill pop-up and cause cashflow issue to your business. At The Number Studio, we try to keep our clients informed of all critical tax dates that related to their tax return and tax payment. In this article, we will provide you a general guide of tax return and payment due dates.

Income Tax return and payment

7 February 2023

2022 end-of-year income tax payment due for people and organisations who don’t have a tax agent

7 April 2023

2022 end-of-year income tax payment due for clients of tax agents (with a valid extension of time)

31 March 2023

2022 income tax return due for clients of tax agent (with a valid extension of time)

7 July 2023

2023 income tax return due for people and organisations who do not have a tax agent or extension of time


Tax Year

Income tax return due

Income tax payment due

Apr 2021 to Mar 2022

Without extension: 7 July 2022

With extension: 31 March 2023

Without extension: 7 February 2023

With extension: 7 April 2023

Apr 2022 to Mar 2023

Without extension: 7 July 2023

With extension: 31 March 2024

Without extension: 7 February 2024

With extension: 7 April 2024

GST return and payment (No extension of time available)

GST return is due by the 28th of the month after the end of taxable period. Except GST return for the taxable period ending 31 March is due by 7 May and GST return for the taxable period ending 30 November is due by 15 January.

Fine out more

Tax due date calendar 2022-2023—ir399/ir328/ir328-2022-23.pdf?modified=20220407232436&modified=20220407232436